Resetting your ITI Testbed account password
You can reset your ITI Testbed password through the Forgot Password utility in our testbed account management tool at
- After going to, click on Change Password
- At the bottom of this page, you will see “Can’t remember your password? Click here“
- In the Username box, input your ITI Testbed Username
- In the Email Address box, input the email address you registered when your ITI Testbed Account was created.
- Click Submit
- Check your email for an email from
- this email will contain a pin code and secure link to reset your password
- the link provided expires after 1 hour
- After finding the email and clicking the link, enter the pin code in the input box.
- If the pin code is correct, you will be brought to a password reset page
- Be sure your new password will meet the complexity requirements.
- At least 10 characters
- Cannot contain your entire user id
- Cannot contain your Full Name
- Must include characters from at least 3 out of the following 4 categories:
- Uppercase letters
- Lowercase letters
- A number
- Non-alphanumeric characters: ~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|(){}[]:;“’<>,.?/
- In the new password box, enter your new password
- In the confirm password box, enter your new password again
- Click Submit
- You will be informed if the reset was successful
- After a successful reset, you will also receive an email informing you of the password change
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